
Update V

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Update V

Post#1 » Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:18 pm

Good news everyone!

Even though this patch was supposedly dedicated to maintenance (a.k.a. bug fixes) we managed to add something extra. As always there will be more to follow a.s.a.p. so enjoy it while it's still fresh, and checkout the release notes below for further details!

Notes! (vu0.6.6.3)

New: personal transportation
New: initial support for dx11, please report gfx issues to the proper authorities (us ;) )

Changed: more balanced vehicle damage detection

Fixed: nullreference error in toolbar when broken item is removed
Fixed: regression issue with rounding of values
Fixed: proper error message on creation of community

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Re: Update V

Post#2 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:44 am

personal transportation, where ?
How about removing all ammo parts from loot and putting all ammo in mister quick fix. let us still craft mining bombs. I am a hunter not a miner, but if i dont have ammo, i cant hunt. when i am forced to mine so i can make ammo, my mining runs suck.
So lots of suckky mining to make enough ammo for small hunt. Not my idea of fun.............

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Re: Update V

Post#3 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:34 am

Thank you for the update ;)

In our opinion, there are only 'small' problems (like Resource base ownership). Lead/Salt ( :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: ).

As some1 else said recently under suggestions, PLEASE make that resource base thing more fairer (funny how, some1 complaining about gun ammo, can get ammo and GP, for TT? ;)). :) :). Please dont become Mindark and base your decisions, on forum posters comments :geek: :ugeek: :roll: :roll: 8-) . Base System works fine ;) :P

Thanks for the personal transportation though!! 8-) 8-) 8-) Beam tech in a EU-type game, at long last ;). IMHO next update would be flying vehicles (with no guns, at 1st) :). Airborne

Keep up the good work


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Re: Update V

Post#4 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:38 pm

magikziggy wrote: funny how, some1 complaining about gun ammo, can get ammo and GP, for TT?
Dont say some1, just say Vumba, and to clarify, i dont get ammo and gp at TT, i also pay tax, less than you, but what good is 500k gunpowder to me if i dont have the omicron bullets to produce the the main ammo i use................think about it.

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Re: Update V

Post#5 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:51 pm

Vumba wrote:
magikziggy wrote: funny how, some1 complaining about gun ammo, can get ammo and GP, for TT?
Dont say some1, just say Vumba, and to clarify, i dont get ammo and gp at TT, i also pay tax, less than you, but what good is 500k gunpowder to me if i dont have the omicron bullets to produce the the main ammo i use................think about it.
Less than me? hmm :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Your in 'Elite' Community. Even the owners are taxed at 5%, but all those taxes are returned on pay day. So, let's get to the good stuff!. So you DO get GP for TT .

I would not mind 500k Gunpowder, for TT?. Ill offer 105% for 100k (5% profit) :). I am sure many other societies would dearly love 105% Gunpowder, or like YOU get it for, TT ;).

Im ALWAYS willing to make Alliances with Society who controls base. Tita 115%, iron 115%. Lead = 106% (sold over 15k BEADS in 2 days, that LOT of ammo ;)). Lead has been changed, you get more lead now mining. Tita from wallers.



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Re: Update V

Post#6 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:08 pm

It's kinda offtopic what u guys talk about here...

Magicziggy...first of all u should know that recieved tax we spare 4-5 peoples from community ... that means from 105% that we buy , we return 1% back... means 104%. Even if gun powder was 135% -140% before developers added outlaws terminals , now peoples dont even buy for 120%. Most gun powder we take and use outself ( some more some less -also depends )

Its about 18:00gmt now ...for u knowledge just recieved tax for outlaws in last 2 days... dont u wanna know how much it was ???
1 PIC means noone bought.

105% tax for outalws is not fair for the owners and the rest of peoples every1 would use only L/M bombs. Aslo prices nitrate / sulf will be 105% or even u will pwn them cause will have no value

rember when u were in p&p u tooked some gp from us for 105%. so it helped u grow...

...and about the prices of stones u are making into the market is kind sad...
u decrease every week 5-10% the prices of the stones. if i go to add somthing int the market for resoanble price u will come and add 5% less or something like that.

Just think what is good for every1 , not only for u.


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Re: Update V

Post#7 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:16 pm

And as i said in my first post,
i hate mining, so gp is of no use to me if i dont have the correct bullets to make the ammo i use. Bash me for the community i am in, but also please understand what i am saying. You cant hunt with 500k gp and no ammo parts. also had a lot of 1 pic tax rewards the last weeks from outlaws. Am i priveliged, or happy.
What do you think.

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Re: Update V

Post#8 » Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:03 am

Nice that you are adding something new, i just wish you did not check this exact ... since last vu i have some strange problem with loading objects so that on pvp i can not normally fight because every 1-2 min fps go drop to 5-10!
It looks like the game is trying to load something but ... (can't?)

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Re: Update V

Post#9 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:51 pm

@all: The current loot, resources and distribution are under review. Also somewhat related to the botched crafting update we had a couple vu's ago. We're aiming at more control over the system dynamics and improve overall maintainability. It should also enable setting up specials for events like x-mas etc.

@piotrek: Can you send us your output_log.txt? If there are any errors in there we have a good chance of finding the cause and fix it. If it's only in a specific pvp area please specify which one and location coordinates. And whether you are traveling by foot or vehicle could be relevant as well.

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Re: Update V

Post#10 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:16 pm

o was in pvp with him and had no lag in there...

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