
Update V

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Update V

Post#1 » Sat May 05, 2018 8:36 pm

Good day folks!

Ample time was spent to develop and test this new version of Project Ion, so it's a pleasure to finally be able to release it to the public. Many new things as well as changes in this release were inspired by requests from players. And we surely are happy to check them off the list before we start tinkering with an upgrade of the engine itself. It's been quite a lot to test and we think we covered everything, but please check the release notes below and let us know if you happen to find any issues. Just to be sure, nobody is perfect... ;-)

Notes! (vu0.6.6.8)

New: NPEvent community exclusive events option
New: NPEvent pvp events for all or specific area option
New: NPEvent hunting all or specific creature option
New: NPEvent mining all or specific raw ore option
New: Blinking booster slots to indicate last 10 seconds
New: Mining detector depth enhancer
New: Auto use tool in aim mode left alt + leftmouse to enable and right mouse to disable (or toggle button on tool bar)
New: Heavy ordnance skill type
New: Craftable/lootabe items
New: Creatures

Fixed: Team leader takes all instead of the looter
Fixed: Health bar/tooltip positioning (drawn too low or too high on avatar/world object)

Changed: Team damage decides option better distribution for non stackable items
Changed: NPEvent creation increased max duration time by 12 hours
Changed: Removed no loots
Changed: Grab area cant gain points to trigger final battle when one of players community ip also exist in the owners community
Changed: Technical improvement for better and more efficient avatar combining
Changed: Reduced weight of mining detector/hack device/scan device

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Re: Update V

Post#2 » Mon May 07, 2018 7:57 am

Could you please update the website with the latest version, because I cannot use the Pion updater. It downloads the program and then errors out whilst installing.


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Re: Update V

Post#3 » Mon May 07, 2018 5:02 pm

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Re: Update V

Post#4 » Sun May 13, 2018 5:05 am


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