
Treasure, oil rig..

Any Suggestions on present day issuses or development?
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ahh the egg
Posts: 69

Treasure, oil rig..

Post#1 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:25 am

I think the both (treasure and oil rig) should be rebalanced because of 2 problems:

1. Treasure is too predictable and easy to reach.
Just look at the current HOF list. People stopped hunting, mining and doing nothing else then waiting for the treasure.
Suggestion: treasure should random spawn at different (random) places and grow until gets picked up (it would feel more like treasure when someone finds it) :)
In case nobody finds a treasure in specific time, it would just re-spawn at a different place again.

2. Oil rig is not attracting players.
Oil rig should be more hard to reach, but when you're there, it should be a mob safe place (only human should be a threat over there)
Suggestion: replace uber mob spawn from the oil rig, to the path which leads to it.

3. I'm poor
Suggestion: gimme dinarz!! :D;)

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Re: Treasure, oil rig..

Post#2 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:55 pm

One less treasure in ship and a bigger amount of oil/uranium could be nice with a random spawn timer (now it's pretty much clockwork). I wouldnt remove the mobs from the rig though untill it's populated sufficiently.

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Tesla Coil
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Rig suggestions

Post#3 » Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:26 pm

The rig is a neat place to go but it should be much more exciting i think with the right improvements.
Besides oil being a major resource for a lot of items now and in the future it is important to have enough opportunity to gain this precious fluid.

Will write out in steps what could increase the game play experience regarding the rig.

Reaching the rig
Reaching the rig should be a matter of using save paths trough mountains or trough heavy mob spawns. At the rig itself their should be no mob spawn except the creatures pulled by other players.

Rig lay-outs
Besides machinery like a oil driller small solar panels or a wind mill would be cool to see just as small buildings and other objects like the boxes and barrels as we see in town. Without any creature spawn on the rig itself it is mainly a matter of defending yourself against other players between these objects.

Owning the rig
The rig should be something to fight over, besides having a regular spawn from by example oil and uranium you could think of more ways to make owning this place more interesting. If the solar panels or wind mill would spawn small energy modules that could be used to the machinery on the rig itself or at future machinery in the city or at other special sites.

Rig interaction
Interacting with the objects on the rig would give another reason to be there.
Being able to implant energy modules in a oil driller that increases the extraction rate could make this a wanted place.
Having small wind mills around the rig that supply small amounts of energy modules would give another reason to be at the rig.

Review current rig
The rig on the moment offers some eye candy but is without a oil-drill or other objects.
People work together on the moment to hold of Mech Elites, the biggest robots in the game that spawn around and on the rig.
The spawn from oil and uranium has increased on amount but it still takes 30 minutes before a new spawn hits the ground.

Having for now a more regular and maybe even a double spawn would really make the rig a awesome place to hang out.

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Posts: 20

Re: Treasure, oil rig..

Post#4 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:46 pm

Tesla Coil wrote:The spawn from oil and uranium has increased on amount but it still takes 30 minutes before a new spawn hits the ground.
What if you'd distribute the oil over 1-5 mins periods? Maybe if there would be a structure that needs components to deploy/grow (from stage 1-4, over period of 15mins-1hour) which would increase oil spawn. Components would need to be destroyed if someone takes over rig.

Wouldn't place wind mills in an oil rig though, kinda contradictory. Would rather be usefull to craft/set in your farm for bio energy and faster/higher quality farming. Eco energy can be massproduced while oil is sparse and a common reason for war.

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Re: Treasure, oil rig..

Post#5 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:43 am

There is a bug on the oil rig.

I sat there, fighting off the robots and just mining for 30 minutes, someone told me that the barrels at the rig respawned every 15 minutes or so.

I relogged, and they appeared. When I waited at the rig, they did not appear, I did wait (yes, I am very sad and patient) for 1 hour once, and nothing appeared, but after a relog, abracadabra! barrels to pick up.

Dont know if this is a bug or not, but the barrels should appear every 15 minutes, but if they dont, relog and they are there.

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