Community name : Legion
Community background information : Legion is a community of players who work closely together and are very helpful towards new Legion members and new people to the game.
Desired member permissions :
sticky on/off : On
announcement on/off : On
poll question on/off : On
Desired forum category's :
Community sub-forum --> General talks --> create topic/read/reply
description : Feel free to create a topic in this general section, at some point in time we will add different category's to bring order to chaos.
Community sub-forum --> Public relations --> create topic/read/reply
description : Diplomatic issues, any problems with another Community or having a alliance in mind? Lets talk it over in this section.
Community sub-forum --> Community events --> create topic/read/reply
description : Team-hunts, currently upcoming, ongoing or past events.
Community sub-forum --> Off-topic talks --> create topic/read/reply
description : Anything worth to share not related to the game.