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Post#1 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:38 pm

Seriously guys, ammo is now up to 150%, surely this is an indication that raw materials for ammo are hard to find, meaning that mining sucks. This is a point that quite a few players have indicated recently......... Mining is not working for us !!!!!

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Re: ammo

Post#2 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:28 pm

I could not agree more, you can simply look at the hof / ath board to see this. I have heard GM's state that mining is "working as planned" and if so then I might suggest there are other means to solve the ammo issue.

An example (certainly not the only way) might be to create a new ammo, possibly called NATO 7.62 (as opposed to NATO 5.56 commonly used in M16's), for some crafted guns that could be sold from trade terminal. This would in addition to allowing players to get enough ammo to hunt with might give crafters a reason to craft something OTHER than ammo to sell.

While I love the idea of the crafted ammo having to mine and pick for hours to get enough ammo for only minutes of hunting is likely to cause players to leave the game (not everyone even likes to mine at all).

Please don't take my comments as a complaint, I love the game and plan to continue playing no matter what, but simply would like to suggest one possible solution to a problem I have heard from many players.

Good Luck to all and have Fun out there :)
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Re: ammo

Post#3 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:43 pm

There shoud be one type of ammo for rifles,pistols and snipers and it should be available in Mr.Quickfix

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Re: ammo

Post#4 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:51 pm


It is simply a supply and demand problem.

Increase supply of ores either by making mining interesting or increasing supply of M and L bombs and the problem should fix itself.

You have created situation where supply chain look like this

TT mining gear => miner => crafte => hunter => pwn or back to crafter

When it shouls look like this (put Mr Quickfix wherever)

miner ==== crafter
... \\ .......... //
......\\ ...... //

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Re: ammo

Post#5 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:35 pm

I can agree to a point RaJ but with the current system it would take 10 times the miners than hunters to create enough ammo for everyone. You are correct in the supply chain but that doesn't solve the fact it takes hours of mining or picking to get minutes worth of ammo.
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Re: ammo

Post#6 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:45 pm

Just to clarify, I was only trying to say that mining is slow and uninteresting. Problem with ammo has been brought up many times and I believe that mining is the key to solving it. Sure we can have all ammo in TT but it is basically turning the whole mechanics upside down and making the game even more hunting-centered, which I think is not the way to go. All professions should be equally interesting.
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Re: ammo

Post#7 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:06 pm

That I agree with whole heartedly, I do not think making all ammo tt is a good idea. From my first post - "I love the idea of the crafted ammo" .
This is why I suggested making 'some' crafted guns (better than level 20) use a tt ammo and leaving most to use the crafted ammo they use now. Then at least we could hunt more than beginner mobs from tt ammo and leave the crafted ammo for the biggest guns and some looted ones. I also believe that would give crafters something more to sell with some mu on it.
But again I'm sure there are other ways to solve the lack of ammo, this is just one possible solution and possibly not the best.

Increasing the supply of ore's would also help, I'm just not sure how that could be done without increasing the cost of bombs and gear which may cause even less people to want to mine, at least people just starting out in the game.
Maybe use less different ore's for ammo? (currently it takes 7 ore's, some of which are already in high demand for other crafted items) I don't know.

Rumor has it that the terrain will get some updates soon, this will (for me) also help make mining more fun I hope :P
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Re: ammo

Post#8 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:13 am

I believe that a lot of good things are coming after the terrain is dealt with.

Besides that, I think the game is a mess at the moment. Illogical loot distribution, illogical ore distribution in craft, tens of thousands of dinar of useless junk in pwn, crafting ammo and guns to loot coca and meat... I could go on. In any case I will continue playing hoping that somebody will eventually start thinking.
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Re: ammo

Post#9 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:48 am

"It's working as intended." That's the reply you receive from guys that actually never get time to play the game like players.
The days when miners got the same hofs as hunters and there was plenty of mats to make bombs and bullet stopped when someone got John's ear and complained that he hunted for x amount of time without a global...so John fixed it so mining and crafting globals and hof's are around 50% of hunting but...DOH they made it so hunting needs mining...but they drove the miners out...lol
But hey, I guess those GM's that have their ear know everything...fuck those actually playing the game.

You can't have it both ways guys...either make it fair, and miners will provide the mats for hunters, or just say fuck it, do away with mining and crafting, put the bullets in the TT and make a dedicated hunting game. Stop jerking everyone off.

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: ammo

Post#10 » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:58 pm

I agree with some of what has been said above, the game does have issues which need to be changed. Take for instance all of the items in game need to be crafted which takes a constant flow of huge amounts of ores, one of the main problems with this is the most commonly used P and R ammo's, these should not be crafted and certainly have no mark-up, as you're probably aware ammo is now costing players +500 pids mark-up for 1000 pids ammo which is just insane.

Before the skills and crafting system was added Jelle had to continuously keep putting massive amounts of Ammo and Bombs in the Pwn to keep everyone happy, now that is all left down to the players to do them self's which is a logistical nightmare with too much Dinar TT invovled, it is not enjoyable having to spend hours dropping S bombs and picking just so you can make enough ammo for a decent hunt or make some better bombs to mine with, this is one of the main reasons players have left the game or are not active at all.

The most commonly used P and R ammo and some better bombs for the miners should be freely available to buy from an Npc with out any mark-up, these are the base consumables of the game which are used in massive amounts and should not be crafted, as i've said above it's a logistcal nightmare and it's only going get worst as more things are added to the game. Free up the strain on the ores and crafting system by having P and R ammo and some better bombs available from a Npc. Everyone would benifit, it would make the players who are less active more active, it will increase player moral and bring back some players that have left and also you would retain a larger proportion of the new players that join which would inturn increase donations and support for the game.


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Re: ammo

Post#11 » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:23 pm

100 % correct , JJ.................

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Re: ammo

Post#12 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:56 pm

i tryed to tell them the same JJ on irc but i hope now they realize they lose players ...... because of this ridiculous mu on ammo ....... to pay 150% for ammo and weapon and healer if you want to go on zeta majestic you start from begin with 200-300 pid on minus ..... we need more melle guns we need more pistols .... like enh PO2-PO5 , on long blade its only 1 type of ammo as far as i saw and ask so high lvl how to skill .......... and the hof should be @ 1000 dinars .. really is only 10 euro its not a fortune ............ and in mining we should see 300 ath .......... if is not RCE lets try make it more fun and donation will come maybe more when we see we having fun ........... or atleast on 500 :) 5 euro .... the loot should be n 500 or 1000 pid ...its not liek the actual ATH we see it every day ......... best of luck to all :) and hope dev's will look and reply and change the things :) for all of us ...hope you understood my point with my poor english :)))

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GABI Farouk
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Re: ammo

Post#13 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:36 pm

Talking About Ammo theres a Few Enhanced RO5 on Auction For 180% buyout...

Just dont lost this deal...lol .In This way someone gonna be Ritch Faster and gonna be a Real Lord.. :D
Please help the Few Players in game and Sell stuffs easly m8...

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GABI Farouk
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Re: ammo

Post#14 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:38 pm

Ammo 150% , Rifles 200% and Globals 25 Dinars and Returns at the End 105%

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Re: ammo

Post#15 » Sat May 14, 2016 5:02 am

GABI Farouk wrote:Talking About Ammo theres a Few Enhanced RO5 on Auction For 180% buyout...

Just dont lost this deal...lol .In This way someone gonna be Ritch Faster and gonna be a Real Lord.. :D
Please help the Few Players in game and Sell stuffs easly m8...
Whenever I sell something on the iBay system, I always leave it as no markup for starter bids, and no buyout.

The best way to do it. :)

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