
Hello this topic is for Jelle and JSL

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Hello this topic is for Jelle and JSL

Post#1 » Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:53 am

hello i want to understand why dev's /GM's they dont give any details ...... i mean i asked them how is loot pool , on what is based for each activity actus said is JSL secret ....... why so many secrets ...... and yesterday i found out update is ready tested but not sure why takes so long to make it ........ i really cant see what future have this game , i am not trying to be rude i am just concern about my invest .......... i want some answers , i want to see they care about us , i want to see all clear not with clouds ...... with new super rare guns in a few days was looted 5 .... now i understood they remove it from loot .... next time who knows will loot again ....... i am sure not me cause what i spent for loot one , will be vanish and reset and again same ppl will loot one .... so can you please answer me dev's ....... whats going on ? why so many secrets? why we cant know whats on next update ? thank you ....... my point is start comuncate with us ..... we deserve that and i talk now for all

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Post#2 » Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:48 am

Perhaps this is so for the fact that before you enter the update, devs want to be sure that will not be the major bugs where people started to make the money from illegal sources. The second issue is that John is programmed everything alone, this is also a person needs to eat, sleep and relax.
I am on this project almost from the beginning, and I suspect that when I hunted skeletons here, most of you do not know about the existence of this game :-)
Establishment of the game from the beginning was bright and clear, and how far everything is developed in is having the same as it was before.
The only thing that has changed is informing players that will be in the next vu and what changes await us in the future and here agree with this, that it would be worth to return to inform us about it :)

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Re: Hello this topic is for Jelle and JSL

Post#3 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:54 am

Thanks Piotrek, that's roughly summing up some of the most important considerations. News has indeed been lacking due to my dedicated work for a paid project. And yes, you are truly an old timer, in pursuit of a purple suit from the very start :P

W!seMan, we really don't have (m)any secrets. And what you don't know (for sure) is not automatically a secret. Neither are speculations for that matter. The loot pool is doing fine and the update is live now, delayed because of reasons. I'm sure Actus was making a joke btw. No worries, we see a future for this project and it's evolving with every release. All the basic information is 'out there' and -most of the time- people get a satisfactory answer to their questions. Trial and error taught us that everything works best if we just keep concentrating on urgent issues while trying to ignore the chatter. ;)

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Re: Hello this topic is for Jelle and JSL

Post#4 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:50 am

What gun is he talking about?

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