
Clothing and Armor

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Clothing and Armor

Post#1 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:22 pm

Hi guys,

Have been away for a few months so lots of new faces (hi all), and some old ones too, and a new VU, which I am just getting to grips with.

Reading through some of the news articles it seems like the one area that the devs need help with is clothing and I guess armor assets. I know a while back a few people tried making some of this stuff with Unity but not sure how much success there was.

So I was wondering if it would be worth considering looking at things a different way. What if a proportion of any donations was put aside for a clothing/armor project? I had a look in the unity store and there isn't much in the way of clothing there - plus I don't know technically whether it would work with the PI framework, but there might be something worth getting. And maybe there will be more stuff over time - armor packs are in there for $10 atm.

But as well as this could we approach one of the people that design stuff for unity - a small independent that might be interested in helping out for a good price? Even if we commissioned them for just one or two pieces of clothing as and when we had donations to cover it, we could grow the asset library over time. They might do a good deal if they knew there could be regular work for them.

For example in the asset store is this medical clothing pack:


Not what we want I guess (unless we have some avatars with uniform fetishes ;-) ). But the company that made this have a website:


and they advertise that they take on freelance work.

I know that people reading this are probably thinking "that will be far too expensive" and maybe it will. But there are benefits to the asset designer - they get their work seen and it is used in a proper developing game. Presumably they could get their name credited somewhere. And who knows - they might really like the game and get hooked playing it. So there might be the possibility of getting a good deal.

I don't know how much money comes in in donations - and I realise that using money for this would mean it couldn't be used for other things, so it might not be viable. I just thought it might be something worth considering - nothing to lose in contacting some people and see what they say. My design skills are non-existent so as much as I would like to help I just can't, but I would consider putting a little money towards buying in assets in some form.

Just an idea anyway - be interested to see what everyone thinks, even if it's just to say it's a really dumb idea ;-)


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Night Rider
Posts: 18

Re: Clothing and Armor

Post#2 » Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:47 pm

There are some of us that would do this for free and donate the work. I don't think I would ever donate money, but I would definitely spend some time designing stuff for the game. I know there are others too that have volunteered this form of help.

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Re: Clothing and Armor

Post#3 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:11 am

Night Rider wrote:There are some of us that would do this for free and donate the work. I don't think I would ever donate money, but I would definitely spend some time designing stuff for the game. I know there are others too that have volunteered this form of help.
Hi Night Rider - that's great and really cool of people, yourself included, to offer that service. But I don't have the skills to do that, and I'm sure there are others like me (well maybe not as bad at art and design as me - I struggle drawing a stick man). But I still want to help out - so for me I would have to find a different way to do this.

Obviously there is the normal donating - which is fine and I imagine that some of that money goes towards assets, or at least into time, effort and software for the dev team to make them. I was trying to think of a way to kickstart more assets in the game, without it taking up more of the devs' time. But perhaps you are right and other people wouldn't want to donate towards that especially if they are donating in game for their PIDS.


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Tesla Coil
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Re: Clothing and Armor

Post#4 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:49 pm

I have often suggested certain assets to the developers, but all have a catch.

Takes much consideration what assets to use, and it gives a lot of work to implement them.
They have some cool stuff already in the game that no one has looted yet.

Saw Jelle with some awesome boots in testings, really want to loot those. :D
Guess at the time we looting some of the stuff still to be discovered they have already some new stuff standing by.

Like that i think John has prepared the project in the last year with content yet to be implemented to keep it excited on a constant basis.
They also regular browsing the internet for suitable assets as you could notice in past and the current update.

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Night Rider
Posts: 18

Re: Clothing and Armor

Post#5 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:42 pm

Well mostly for me, I have school debt, so I just can't afford to donate anything as I put all of my extra money towards that to pay it off as quickly as possible. I do have lots of time though, and programming skills, which I could contribute.

Of course it takes tons of planning around each asset and how it affects other assets and the players but clothing doesn't affect anything other then the look of the player. Allowing people to make clothes wouldn't be that big a deal and would open doors to new ideas and truly foster a community environment.

Armor designs could be made and applied to existing armor through modifications that wouldn't alter anything except the look. There is some work involved with that, but just initial templates, after that, any form of color mod could be used, just ideas. I know John still has lots of work on his plate, and I am very happy for that, as it will keep the game interesting for a long time.

My point in all of this, is there are plenty of things to be done that do not affect the actual gameplay of fighting and mining that need to be looked at and worked on. John and Jelle love learning and doing this kind of stuff, but there is no reason someone couldn't help write something up and it all being filtered through John's fingertips into the game.

Planning is the key to a successful project as many of us know and also using the strengths and weaknesses in those involved to truly bring a project from silver to gold status. Coming from quite a few years of developing a free community based game, it is also important to allow people to work on areas that they enjoy working on to ensure their interest in the game.

Always try to encourage, never to discourage.

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