
Things to add or improve in the game

Any Suggestions on present day issuses or development?
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Things to add or improve in the game

Post#1 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:35 am

Hello, i have some decent idea about how the game should go and what it should be done. All what i wil say have been aproved by... everyone. :D

1) More mobs ( who will argue with that ) especialy to have something to fight for each level of player. Both bot and animal.
I checked unity there are some cheap model that offer something real to put in the game.

2) Skill curve : So using bigger weapon do not give more skill... first time i see that. To compare with more common game, its like killing a bigger créature do not give more xp ? no way ! Since it is based on the used equipment, it should.
The idea : a gun maxed at level 10 give 1 skill point, a maxed at lvl 20 gun give 2 skills point, etc...
If this come in the game, a compensation for the current skills of the player base. Exemple : a level 34 pistol, got his skills points earned x 3,4.

3) Crafting of neccesary ressources : so mining for 10 hours and hunting 2 hours ? nop ty. Dont think many people will diseagree with me. My idea approved by everyone, is to add a material available at the TT ( Mister quick dick ) that is used ONLY for crafting ammo and bomb. The crafting ammo cost remain the same, just less ore and more TT component. 90% TT component and 10% ore. everyone will finaly improve their gameplay.
It will result a better economy for ore, more pids moving in the game, etc, much more pids spend from the people.
I could live with buying all the ores, but at what cost ? plus the time spend to get the ores from the people.
I currently playing with only TT ammo. Its fine. But i have enough skills to use more gun, but i dont want to mining so much for hunting. it is " moraly" wrong.

Sorry for my lack of english, not my native language, but i'm pretty sure everyone who will read this will know the meaning of my post. Thanks for reading, have a good day !

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#2 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:46 am

well writen. and i totally agree.

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#3 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:41 am

If I remember this game is based on free models, so probably they pay fall :)

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#4 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:00 pm

maybe they should start using some of the donation money?

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#5 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:16 pm

Agree, be mining 10 hours to hunt for 2 hours, it has to be changed. I liked the idea of craft item TT + 10% or 20% ore for ammo and bombs, surely the game will Improve.

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#6 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:32 pm

Good idea to put it in writing here, Pitivier.

I'm glad to confirm point 1 (more creatures) is on the to-do list, complemented with some new items as well. John's current work on the world system will pave the way for this. And the south east part of the map is still requiring some attention too.

For point 3 (resources) some tweaks have been applied already and we keep track of the auction to get a feel for supply and demand. All ingredients needed for gunpowder have been increased return-wise, with both pick and underground mining. The auction and economy also deserve a fair chance so we're holding back on (too much) intervention. Keeping an eye on this

The jury is still undecided about point 2 but it has been brought up for discussion a while back. Thanks for putting it up here so there's a reason to put it on the agenda for our next meeting... ;)

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#7 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:34 pm

Hi All,

1. I think nobody is going to argue that we need more content... It's been almost a year since a new mob was added. I understand that developers are currently working on the terrain system to allow more spaces for new mobs so we still need to wait a bit.

Anyways like everyone else I am not happy with the lack of content. We could agree that for example 10% of donations go towards buying new models or something like that. This way players could at least feel they participate a bit in the development process...

2. I think what you are talking about is turning the game into 'pay to win' model EU style where anybody can just donate, grab a big gun a get a bunch of skills. I personally like the skilling system how it is now but what you are proposing could make sense if skilling rate depended not only on the lvl of the weapon but also on the current skill level of the player... so lets say lvl 30 weapon would only give slightly more skills if you're lvl 30+ or something like that. Any drastic changes after a year since the VU 0.6 seem like upsetting the balance that exists. I think the problem really lies elsewhere...in mining.

3. Like I have just said, the problem to me lies in mining in general. It is slow and boring... How would I improve it?

I think the best solution would be to get rid of the M and L bombs and make finders consume TT bombs but in higher quantity. So for example 102 would use 2 bombs, 103 3 bombs etc... Alternatively crafted finders could use crafted and TT bombs but crafted bombs could result in finding something special... Also crafted finders decay could be slightly increased to balance things out.

Crafted bombs require way too much gunpowder and it creates a circle when you craft bombs to mine for gunpowder to craft more bombs... does not make sense to me.

Leave crafted ammo as it is but make it worth it's price which I think could be achieved by adding more attractive loot to big mobs. At the moment the bigger the mob the more items you get in loot and we all know where it all goes later.. And here a little suggestion from from me: allow recycling of lootable items with any TT.


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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#8 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:48 pm

zydu wrote:Hi All,

1. I think nobody is going to argue that we need more content... It's been almost a year since a new mob was added. I understand that developers are currently working on the terrain system to allow more spaces for new mobs so we still need to wait a bit.

Anyways like everyone else I am not happy with the lack of content. We could agree that for example 10% of donations go towards buying new models or something like that. This way players could at least feel they participate a bit in the development process...

2. I think what you are talking about is turning the game into 'pay to win' model EU style where anybody can just donate, grab a big gun a get a bunch of skills. I personally like the skilling system how it is now but what you are proposing could make sense if skilling rate depended not only on the lvl of the weapon but also on the current skill level of the player... so lets say lvl 30 weapon would only give slightly more skills if you're lvl 30+ or something like that. Any drastic changes after a year since the VU 0.6 seem like upsetting the balance that exists. I think the problem really lies elsewhere...in mining.

3. Like I have just said, the problem to me lies in mining in general. It is slow and boring... How would I improve it?

I think the best solution would be to get rid of the M and L bombs and make finders consume TT bombs but in higher quantity. So for example 102 would use 2 bombs, 103 3 bombs etc... Alternatively crafted finders could use crafted and TT bombs but crafted bombs could result in finding something special... Also crafted finders decay could be slightly increased to balance things out.

Crafted bombs require way too much gunpowder and it creates a circle when you craft bombs to mine for gunpowder to craft more bombs... does not make sense to me.

Leave crafted ammo as it is but make it worth it's price which I think could be achieved by adding more attractive loot to big mobs. At the moment the bigger the mob the more items you get in loot and we all know where it all goes later.. And here a little suggestion from from me: allow recycling of lootable items with any TT.



I like the idea of mining with more bombs, and recycle items with any TT, would improve the mining and items that go all to pwn have any real use.

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#9 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:06 pm

Good way to improve mining RAJ.

101 : 1 bomb
102 : 3 bomb
103 : 5 bomb

So using bigger finder and skill to use it is finaly usefull. Good idea !

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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#10 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:26 pm

The idea of more skills for higher ranked guns sounds ok IF it goes both ways. I mean it wouldn't really be fair to higher skilled players if a new player could use a level 40 gun and get extra skills.

If the concept is accepted I suggest it is a slight decrease in skill gain using guns above your level since at first skill levels go faster anyway, At higher levels it takes much longer to rank up so I would agree with an increase for higher level guns provided the player is maxed on them.

Just my thoughts on #2 anyway
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Re: Things to add or improve in the game

Post#11 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:41 pm

I don't see that much problem with it, yes a total noob could use lvl 40 gun, but the eco ? he loose a lot efficiency.
And this, could be follow with lvl 50 gun maybe :)

Level req could be added, but its not needed i think. any sane player wont use that kind of gun at low level.

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