
How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

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How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#1 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:27 pm

What? Who stole Christmas?
Yea "The Grinch who Stole Christmas", that mean bastard who just can't let all the good children have their Christmas gifts.
Sure thing, how's that related to Project ION?

Well, as you know we have competitions here, and for X-Mas we have a special competition. People wanted it to be more fair and have more prizes for more people so the devs found a balance by putting out 5 prizes instead of the usual 3.
So far so good. As expected with total loot events the hardcore grinders with big guns have an advantage. Fair enough. If all the prizes went to 1st day newcomers, that wouldn't be fair either.

Anyway, where's the Crinch in all that?


See, once you have secured the 1st place with your main avatar, why stop there? If you have an alt, you can then take both 1st and 2nd place. There's no TOU, no rules that say you can't use alt accounts. It has been discussed many times but as devs correctly stated, it's no use to have rules if you can't enforce the anyway. And they are right, there's no way anyone can prove that this other account you're running on your 2nd PC is not used by you. Therefore, nobody can prove abc and RAJ are the same player althou every old player knows that. So much so that several people have left that soc for exactly that reason. Actually, my soc (Alpha) wouldn't even exist if that wasn't the case...

So here we are. There's no rules, so no rules are broken. The Crinch can take all the gifts to himself and then ask "What's wrong, why are you children not happy?"
Well, yes there's a grain of truth in this. There's many alt accounts in this game. For example, lot of oil is collected using alt accounts that are created specifically for camping the oil rig. So what's the difference? In principle it's all the same thing.

It's just that stealing gifts from under the Christmas tree takes it to a whole new level.
I hope the Crinch won't succeed in taking both 1st and 2nd place this event. There wouldn't be anything legally wrong in that, but peoples sense of fairness would get a serious hit. My best friend almost left the game once because of the shit like this. This time I might really lose him.

All things considered, wouldn't it be better to have at least a declarative TOU that you can't enforce?
Then at least the Crinch would stay on the oil rig and won't go stealing the X-mas from the good children? I hope?
Or maybe not? What you think?
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#2 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:52 pm

Further development:

I was just contacted by "a b c" avatar ingame. He said he is not participating in the X-Mas event. So, no stealing of X-Mas presents from the children this time.
This is a a huge improvement. I guess we should all be thankful to RAJ. He probably even thinks I owe him an apology. What a wonderful warped idea! :lol:

Anyway, lets try to be a little less greedy and behave a little better in the future. I mean, all of us. In return we will let go all the mistakes of the past. Sounds reasonable? OK, if so u got urself a deal.

Merry X-Mas, all the good children! 8-)

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#3 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:42 pm

Tune in folks, maybe next year Alpha will get something right...
And maybe do a little homework first it might prevent you from making a fool of your self.

Merry Christmas &
All the best for the new year.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#4 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:11 am

Well, there is no problem some1 use alt. Anyway i don't care about that, for sure if I had the opportunity, I would probably use the possibility of playing two accounts at once.
The problem is this event, its for 7 days hunting and we got ONLY 5 prizes, so it looks like we got christmas for only 5 players and rest 'FUCK OFF'?
There are so many opportunities to spice up this time for everyone, even adding some mob to this time, which would drop unique items, doubling the amount of skill gained and many many other.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#5 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:52 am

Jason Slayer JJ wrote:maybe do a little homework first it might prevent you from making a fool of your self.
OK, I can see what you're trying to do there. You're trying to defend your friend, that's commendable.

Anyway, what's the use in attacking the messenger? That doesn't really give u anything, everybody already knows what I'm talking about. Talking about the homework, here's some homework for you. Enjoy:
Tedjuh wrote:24Hr mining event #48


1# a b c - 186.76 D
2# Rolling Another Joint - 115.94 D
3# Pablo Pablito Escobar - 46.36 D
Tedjuh wrote:24Hr mining event #59


1# Rolling Another Joint - 559.93 D
2# Emil Durtak Second - 208.42 D
3# a b c - 98.10 D
Tedjuh wrote:24Hr mining event #66


1# The W1se Man - 283.44 D
2# a b c - 272.80 D
3# Rolling Another Joint - 200.50 D
Tedjuh wrote:24Hr mining event #72


1# Rolling Another Joint - 262.15 D
2# Spartacus II Legoinaire - 217.80 D
3# a b c - 92.40 D
Tedjuh wrote:24Hr mining event #87


1# a b c - 398.37
2# Rolling Another Joint - 279.65
3# Unworthy Guy InBlack - 216.34
Actus wrote:100 min of Open Season Event #111 (2016-08-07)


1# Rolling Another Joint - 118,36 D
2# Jason Slayer JJ - 109,10 D
3# a b c - 85,75 D
Actus wrote:100 min of Open Season Event #114 (2016-08-28)


1# Rolling Another Joint - 370,43
2# the young doc - 224,67 D
3# a b c - 187,29 D
Actus wrote:Open Season Sunday ''149'' (2017-05-14)

1 place Rolling Another Joint points 205.56
2 place GABI Farouk Mota points 107.07
3 place a b c points 88.88

It might be a much better strategy if you start by admitting Yea OK he's been doing that shit for some time but he's really trying to stop that now.
After that people might actually believe you want to improve things in the future.
In case you guys were trying to do that?
Or maybe you weren't? Maybe we just got a pass this time (for which we should be extremely thankful)?

I guess time will tell...

Pio seems to think I'm talking about alts. Well no. I'm talking about being so damn greedy in a game where 1 dinar is worth... well virtually nothing and u can't even withdraw it... but you still so damn greedy you have to have all the prizes from all the events.
That's a little over the top doncha think?

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#6 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:25 am

Maybe you missed my obvious point, i was refering the the Fact that you blammed him for trying to take the Christmas Event prizes when ABC did not even have a ticket for the event, which makes your whole post pointless. :lol: I'm struggling to understand why you think you can talk down like that from an ill-informed position and then ask for respect.

Whilst we are on the subject of ALT's i know your Boss Thief has an ALT that he uses for hacking Outlawz from an ALT community.
I know Jimbo has atleast 2 ALT's and he's very nasty with one of them at the Oil Rig killing all the noobs and taking all the oil for him self... so If you don't like ALT's or Greed why are you in a community that is rife with it?
Last edited by Jason Slayer JJ on Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#7 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:42 am

Piotrek wrote:Well, there is no problem some1 use alt. Anyway i don't care about that, for sure if I had the opportunity, I would probably use the possibility of playing two accounts at once.
The problem is this event, its for 7 days hunting and we got ONLY 5 prizes, so it looks like we got christmas for only 5 players and rest 'FUCK OFF'?
There are so many opportunities to spice up this time for everyone, even adding some mob to this time, which would drop unique items, doubling the amount of skill gained and many many other.

I agree with this more can be done to spice up events and its obvious that the top hunters are gonna get the prizes, for a 7 day event there should be 10 places atleast.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#8 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:58 pm

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#9 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:43 pm

Jason Slayer JJ wrote: i know your Boss Thief has an ALT that he uses for hacking Outlawz from an ALT community.
You know that? O rly?
The account you're talking about is "ovidiu ovi loki". A real person who was playing this game and gave his password to Thief when he left the game. Now he's back and using his own account once again. Ovi is in Alpha now, in case u have missed the latest developments. Well obviously you are, so here's the free update. You're welcome.

Sure, we're all humans and nobody's perfect. Speaking about the soc leaders of Elite and Alpha, well, there's a big difference. Idk, maybe RAJ is getting better now but he used to be so lost, he didn't even understand what he's doing wrong. You have lot of excuses for him but you at least can see what's happening.

So about that "everybody is dirty" story you're trying to push. Nice try, but you know better. There's a reason why half the members of Elite left. All those people were what, delusional? Yea yea everybody's dirty and all is the same everywhere. That old song and dance. Go ahead believe that if it makes you feel any better.


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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#10 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:15 am

Something this game really needs, another jealous nutter.


And I don't mean RAJ or abc.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#11 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:24 am

I respect your opinion but I have a question for you.
What will the new potential players think about this game when they realize all prizes are taken by the same guy with different accounts?
Is that effect bigger or smaller than somebody speaking up and try to stop that?

Try to be honest when you answer... or don't bother at all. (Believe me I will figure out which one it is).

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#12 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:44 am

Well, it all goes with the game Admins banning/cancelling accounts that violate the TOU really.

If people who donate a lot violate the TOU, the admins have a dilemma.

The TOU does state that multiple accounts from one person is illegal, but do the admins cut off the cash cow as to speak?

I do slightly understand your views on multiple people accounts taking over the competitions, and understand it is possible using 3 computers, but for only the mining and crafting parts. Hunting using 3 computers simultaneously would be very difficult but not impossible.

It all boils down to the admins enforcing the rules, no matter who donates/pays the most to the development of the game.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#13 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:53 am

unclechicken wrote:Well, it all goes with the game Admins banning/cancelling accounts that violate the TOU really.

If people who donate a lot violate the TOU, the admins have a dilemma.

The TOU does state that multiple accounts from one person is illegal, but do the admins cut off the cash cow as to speak?

I do slightly understand your views on multiple people accounts taking over the competitions, and understand it is possible using 3 computers, but for only the mining and crafting parts. Hunting using 3 computers simultaneously would be very difficult but not impossible.

It all boils down to the admins enforcing the rules, no matter who donates/pays the most to the development of the game.
Great answer, I could prolly sign all of it.

I'm not aware if PION has any TOU though. I think there's none? Because, what's the point in having rules if you can't enforce them? (AFAIK, that pretty much sums up what the PION devs think about these issues too).
Thing is, nobody, no game in the world, has figured out how to prove it's one person behind 2 accounts instead of say 2 brothers or husband and wife. I mean, you can have your suspicions but you can't really prove it.

About heavy donors, that can get real tricky indeed. If you'd speak about these things to our dev team, I'm pretty sure first thing that pops up in their mind is Serenity Firefly and the devastating effect she had on the game called AfterWorld. :shock: This reference prolly won't tell anything to most of you but, yeah, I know it speaks volumes to our devs... :oops: :lol:

Anyway, luckily we're nowhere near that level of malevolence here (and most likely never will be). Lets hope things will get sorted out over time. I mean it's not like we need a boarding house for the ladies in a game like this. Just to avoid the extremes so that we won't immediately scare away new potential players, that would certainly be good enough.

Cheers, thanx for a honest answer!

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#14 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:10 pm

lol, it will never change here, between the multi accounts, those who cheat, those who want everything, those who kills new player to Outlaw (who will not come back practically any more), how is this possible? This game is about 5 years old and the mentality does not evolve, it is each for himself and nothing for the others, in short, he must remain how many active players here? 10, 15? lol it sucks !!
I remember 5 years ago even players who did not know each other, did hunts together, there was a spirit of fellowship ( friendly ) and help in this game.
Today there is nothing left. What a pity.

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#15 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:15 pm

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#16 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:45 am

I can remember back when you could be walking around, and someone asked for a gun and armor.

A totally random person, and you (if you could) would help them out.

I did a lot of that back then, and taught several people how to hunt etc etc. That never happens now. You could be walking around in a PvP area and people just kill you for the laugh. Back then if that happened, you got invited into a hunting team and went out shooting stuff.

It's got too serious too quick. :(

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Jason Slayer JJ
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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#17 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:45 pm

unclechicken wrote:I can remember back when you could be walking around, and someone asked for a gun and armor.

A totally random person, and you (if you could) would help them out.

I did a lot of that back then, and taught several people how to hunt etc etc. That never happens now. You could be walking around in a PvP area and people just kill you for the laugh. Back then if that happened, you got invited into a hunting team and went out shooting stuff.

It's got too serious too quick. :(
I used to play like this all the time, anyone new in game i'd give them a load of gear and actually take them to places and show them around and help them out as much as i can. Now i feel like i cannot trust any new Avatar because it may be some ones alt after getting there hands on some free gear it's a real shame.

The community i am in doesn't shoot noobs or time served players unless they do something to provoke us, i guess pvp is pvp but the players who have been around for a while could show more restraint and respect for new people just getting to grips with the game.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#18 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:54 am

I remember I always tried to hold back Thief in AfterWorld from killing everybody. :lol: But... over time I realized he's right. It was a full PvP world and fights between players and societies were there for a reason.

This deserves some explanation I guess. See, PvP is actually a form of social interaction. You meet a new player in PvP so you initiate a dialogue, of sorts. It's like saying, Come, show me what you're made of? Will you come back and try again after u get killed? Or maybe you'll just throw insults at me and give it up? This is a form of conversation, that's how you learn who people really are.

Don't get me wrong, it's commendable to be nice to everyone, no question about it. If that's who you really are, more power to you. Not everyone must be like me or Thief. Just be who you are. Likewise, anyone who just keeps grieving newcomers endlessly with no good reason shows he's a person you don't want to be associated with.

As for Jason JJ Slayer, that's a player I learned to respect. A real man who knows what honor is. We ended up in competing societies but that doesn't mean I will change my attitude.

Which leads me back to AW, a game I mentioned before (which btw also happens to be the game that had the biggest influence on Project ION team, besides the obvious PE influences). Here's a short story to explain what I mean.
In AW there was a player called MirrorFair. It was a war between his soc and ours when I joined, so by association I was immediately his target. No mercy, shoot to kill. Luckily the game was still rather young and difference in our skills although rather big was not hopeless. If I did my best and made no mistakes I managed to overheal him and stay alive. And then off we went again our separate ways, to skill more and try again. In a hindsight I realize that was the major motivator that kept me in game and skilling like mad. Eventually I became one of the most skilled and we ended up as best friends with MirrorFair. We fought many fights side by side... until the game died.

That's why I don't believe games like this have to be like a boarding house for the young ladies. 8-)

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#19 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:46 pm


U forgot to add something from here : 24Hr Mining Event on Wednesday

U have much things to add...belive me...


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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#20 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:14 pm

Right, so RAJ announced publicly he will not participate with his alt. Last year he did take Only to turn around and take top prizes in both XMAS events, one with the main char another with the alt.

So that was the "generous X-Mas gift"? Well done, Grinch!
You must be so proud about yourself right now... :oops:
Last edited by Fifth on Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#21 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:19 pm

Fifth, do you mean the Xmas 24h Mining event I won?
As far as I remember I was first with like 500, Gosma got there 2nd with something like 250, abc was 3rd with something like 130.
Excuse me if messed the numbers a bit but its about the general idea.

while me and Gosma settled at the score, the 3rd place was occupied by a player named gabi papadie gabriel, and abc got the 3rd position in like last hour of the event.

Don't get me wrong but there were few different miners mining at the time and hitting a 130 pids score in 24h is not a huge effort.
While I can imagine papadies disappointment, I think it was a lucky shot from abc :). It could of be anyother of ones mining at the time, and believe me there was a few.

Still, we need to be clear at this.
"Only to turn around and take top prizes in both XMAS events, one with the main char another with the alt."

One of the Top prizes is in my storage and I am not alternative from RAJ - just a noob getting by :)



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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#22 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:04 pm

Conny wrote:Fifth, do you mean the Xmas 24h Mining event I won?
As far as I remember I was first with like 500, Gosma got there 2nd with something like 250, abc was 3rd with something like 130.
Excuse me if messed the numbers a bit but its about the general idea.

while me and Gosma settled at the score, the 3rd place was occupied by a player named gabi papadie gabriel, and abc got the 3rd position in like last hour of the event.

Don't get me wrong but there were few different miners mining at the time and hitting a 130 pids score in 24h is not a huge effort.
While I can imagine papadies disappointment, I think it was a lucky shot from abc :). It could of be anyother of ones mining at the time, and believe me there was a few.

Still, we need to be clear at this.
"Only to turn around and take top prizes in both XMAS events, one with the main char another with the alt."

One of the Top prizes is in my storage and I am not alternative from RAJ - just a noob getting by :)



You liar, your RAJ alt!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D . GOod post they was talking about Xmas mining event 2 years ago (when some1 on here, wasnt even in the game ehhehe). They are just jealous, as they cant take the base (and drunk/high also, 1 person here, posts same time on here and EU forum, late at night....) . Forget them Conny, they are not worth it mate. I was angry at game 1 month ago, getting nothing. THen boom ATH. But i play ''at level'' same as you do. Keep skilling ignore the Alpha idiots

BUT, if i am in mining event Conny (iam RAJ alt also :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) i will beat your ass and you know it ROFL ROFL

Keep skilling Conny and play at skill level


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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#23 » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:37 pm

Conny wrote:Fifth, do you mean the Xmas 24h Mining event I won?
No sry for confusion Conny, it has nothing to do with you. I was comparing last year's X-Mas mining event with last year's X-Mas hunting event.

Last year RAJ took 1st prize in both:
Open Season XMas XL (event #131 - 2016-12-25 - 2017-01-01)


1 place Rolling Another Joint points 8492.67
2 place Mach3 of Doom points 4181.47
3 place Cosiru Sanoxy Jimbo points 3278.7
4 place GABI Farouk Mota points 2744.04
5 place Magic Magicthief Thief points 1136.67

Mining Event XMas XL (event #85 - 2016-12-25 - 2017-01-01)


1 place a b c points 2973.21
2 place awear frog beggins points 1130.61
3 place Baco Gacov Antrax points 1019.79
4 place Luke Szalu Ace points 415.06
5 place Magic Magicthief Thief points 304.01

This year it's only 1st and 3rd. So, things have "massively improved"! We all should be so thankful!

Ziggy can't hold his laughter when I call abc RAJ's alt, this is all so damn funny you know...

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Re: How the Crinch stole X-Mas or why we need TOU

Post#24 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:10 am

Fifth wrote:
Conny wrote:Fifth, do you mean the Xmas 24h Mining event I won?
No sry for confusion Conny, it has nothing to do with you. I was comparing last year's X-Mas mining event with last year's X-Mas hunting event.

Last year RAJ took 1st prize in both:
Open Season XMas XL (event #131 - 2016-12-25 - 2017-01-01)


1 place Rolling Another Joint points 8492.67
2 place Mach3 of Doom points 4181.47
3 place Cosiru Sanoxy Jimbo points 3278.7
4 place GABI Farouk Mota points 2744.04
5 place Magic Magicthief Thief points 1136.67

Mining Event XMas XL (event #85 - 2016-12-25 - 2017-01-01)


1 place a b c points 2973.21
2 place awear frog beggins points 1130.61
3 place Baco Gacov Antrax points 1019.79
4 place Luke Szalu Ace points 415.06
5 place Magic Magicthief Thief points 304.01

This year it's only 1st and 3rd. So, things have "massively improved"! We all should be so thankful!

Ziggy can't hold his laughter when I call abc RAJ's alt, this is all so damn funny you know...
Laughter is on you mate trust me but you wont ever ever ever see it. So totally pointless engaging in any meaningful chat, with some1, who complaining about an event when THEY WAS NOT EVEN IN THE GAME AT THAT TIME. Get skilling or go chat your shit on PCF

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