SnelleEddie wrote: ↑Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:57 am
Gracehotgirl50 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 17, 2019 1:10 am
Government funded Projects do not work
We'd be the first to undersign this statement, but could you lift the veil for us a bit on how this relates to the game, and in what way it failed? If anything we'd like to prevent people from being taken advantage of so any additional info would help us in that direction. Especially if they are aggressively marketing on our forum / systems.
it does not relate to this game (
because this game is not an RCE game).
Aftertime Diaries failed (as will Virtuverse) because you need MILLIONS first to back up the withdrawals and PR stunts doing that (but the idea of PR stunts (a guy paid xxxxxx for Virtual moon = wow!

(those PR gags/stunts work (at least ' back in the day' ). I am referring to another game
ATD and Virtuverse ''developers'' are not using ''their money''. When you using your own money you will succeed no matter what you have to do that is business 101
No1 can do an ''RCE'' game (a real big 1) unless millions of dollars to back up the withdrawals.
Also Mindark don't need a gambling licence for whatever reason so that's a major benefit to them (no1 else could get that ''privilege').
The way to make this game more ''fun'' is to do PVP type events (but based on skill level) and space travel to that moon

(you can just fit a warp drive to those new bikes and 1 warp to moon easy)

also as well do ''ranks'' (like ''Elite Rifle, ''good pistol'' etc and medals). A mentor school would work also (a true ''free to play player with a GOOD mentor (healing in PVP and collecting the free things could easily get 20-30 a hour minimum...).
Perhaps 1 of the new apartment floors could be a newbie School area
They have a patreon (ie donation) where you can pay real life money to ''reserve your name''. This virtuverse is 3rd 'company' to try and jump on RCE ''bandwagon''.
Will fail ill bet any1 (1 person only) $15 USD it will fail (graphics are not as good as this game nor are the sounds, in fact, nothing at all is better than Ion but people PRAYING on ''RCE'' LOL
Its good to see developers on forum though. Perhaps create a thread of suggestions? (ignore those who say ''add RCE''
