
Negative vibes

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Tesla Coil
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Negative vibes

Post#1 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:08 pm

Now days we face a months long vendetta from Illuminati towards the developers and Legion members.

The vendetta is based on nothing more than lies from a jealousy and distrustful person. (Gabi)
He did do his best to put on a huge list of lies that he and a bunch of close followers do promote as being the truth.

The harassment is continuing lately with people getting personal towards others and instead of a incident it is becoming common practice for some.

Now days i can not log in and see Ba making some remark in local chat in a town like Babylon with several dots around, about me being a spineless worm, moron, being a drug addict and so on.
Other players that are part of Legion or former Legion do get similar remarks trowed towards them every time they are at places like Babylon.

The only thing we can do is ignore this and feel bad about the continuous harassment or respond and destroy the local chat and thus part of the game.

Players should take differences to the PvP area's and maybe if people really want to continues brag to each other they should do it in a PM.

I not care the Illuminati resolve to lies to survive, but i care for the general public who for the biggest part will not like the chat war that has been going on and is developing.

If the developers not act we have to act ourself, we will take up every opportunity to return the favor in the chat war, for we not planning to get shit on while developers do nothing but watch it evolve. As is known, every war has it's victims...

Best suggestion so far would be a ignore button, preferred that it gets saved so we not have to press ignore every time we see some shit appear from the same persons.

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#2 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:13 pm

And the idiots in your society who kill players of Illuminati and its allies in pvp.
Gabi is responsible for it too?
All french in our society have left this game for that reason
Under these conditions a button ignore is essential

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#3 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:56 pm

true denis i kind of had a feeling that all good players left becouse of that reason ...what is frustrating that he has the nerve to report the result of his abuse ....i start to think that he has real issues ...visit a specialist mate you turn into something that is not good for comunity and the reason that will not grow....review your behavoir against newcommers is best thing to do so this game rise to what was before skills atleast....

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Tesla Coil
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Re: Negative vibes

Post#4 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:30 pm

mingo wrote:And the idiots in your society who kill players of Illuminati and its allies in pvp.
Gabi is responsible for it too?
All french in our society have left this game for that reason
Under these conditions a button ignore is essential
Go check for other games if you not even can handle 2 little PvP area's were not that much happened yet anyway.

All French have left for the exact reason i told you in the other thread.

They log in for the first time, Gabi invites them, tells them a shit load of crap about Tesla and his Legion and developers and after they get indeed killed in pvp, have somewhat twisted view of what is going on behind the screens and decide they have other games also they can play without less Poo-Ha.

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#5 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:20 pm

tesla finish with this crap ...you cant make us look bad ..enough is enough....u still continue the BS please atleast be a half man and admit your actions dont throw on somebody else...and with this i finish becouse is useless even reply to you...you the only one acusing your soc doesnt even bother so is clearly you have the problem into ur mind

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Tesla Coil
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Re: Negative vibes

Post#6 » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:14 pm

firstdorin wrote:tesla finish with this crap ...you cant make us look bad ..enough is enough....u still continue the BS please atleast be a half man and admit your actions dont throw on somebody else...and with this i finish becouse is useless even reply to you...you the only one acusing your soc doesnt even bother so is clearly you have the problem into ur mind

Trust me that my community is fully behind me in this matter.
Fact is most only read the forum and not reply for obvious reasons.

For another fact : I did not make you look bad, nor Gabi nor Ba nor any of the semi-trouble causers.
You guys did and doing it all yourself.

Hope you will have a wonderful time ahead in the project from now on, but we will not forget your true colors.

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#7 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:41 pm


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Re: Negative vibes

Post#8 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:50 pm

[quote="Trust me that my community is fully behind me in this matter.
Fact is most only read the forum and not reply for obvious reasons.

For another fact : I did not make you look bad, nor Gabi nor Ba nor any of the semi-trouble causers.
You guys did and doing it all yourself.

Hope you will have a wonderful time ahead in the project from now on, but we will not forget your true colors.[/quote]

You make me laugh dude ...you are so funny ...you actually believe what you typed here?:)))

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#9 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:41 pm

It could be just me, but I can't see a valid reason to post this here...
Now days we face a months long vendetta from Illuminati towards the developers and Legion members.
Developers have no part in this 'vendetta'.
The vendetta is based on nothing more than lies from a jealousy and distrustful person. (Gabi)
He did do his best to put on a huge list of lies that he and a bunch of close followers do promote as being the truth.
Without any proof this is slander, hearsay at best.
The harassment is continuing lately with people getting personal towards others and instead of a incident it is becoming common practice for some.
No fire without fuel.
Players should take differences to the PvP area's and maybe if people really want to continues brag to each other they should do it in a PM.
Practice what you preach?
I not care the Illuminati resolve to lies to survive, but i care for the general public who for the biggest part will not like the chat war that has been going on and is developing.
It's obvious you care more than you're willing to admit.
If the developers not act we have to act ourself, we will take up every opportunity to return the favor in the chat war, for we not planning to get shit on while developers do nothing but watch it evolve. As is known, every war has it's victims...
We don't act unless we're forced to, which is rarely. Just like you don't have to disrupt the chat. It's not a war if there's no chance of winning. Stop making silly threats like this, it's not appreciated.
Best suggestion so far would be a ignore button, preferred that it gets saved so we not have to press ignore every time we see some shit appear from the same persons.
An even better suggestion: Be aware of the flaws you see in others, only to recognize and fix them in yourself.

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#10 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:20 am

There is not so many us in this game at the moment and i really didn't see reason to fight like children in a sandbox for nothing, really we all should work together to solved real problems in game like small/big bug to fix to make a great place to play for us and in the future for other players.
At the moment since few months i just see : They are bad do not listen them, Im better come to me. And on, and on, and on, and on from few month is see same!
And the best of all is that i still have no idea for what u fight for?
I hope u all will hide your ego in your pocket and start work together to develop this game and make it look like it should look.

Greeting Neutral Pio :-)

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#11 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:03 am


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Re: Negative vibes

Post#12 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:17 am

I feel deeply sadened by your thread tesla, and honestly sounds like some 10 year old kid complaining to his mother that other kids are speaking bad words. Bragging about something is not a harrasement, also each player or players have the right to use any team name they want...1 week back there was a team name " slavenatti" and you didnt see any1 from illuminati posting for help. Also you should refresh your memory and remember you did some hard remarks on gabi and BA a while back and is a well known fact that u shouldnt do to any1 what u dont like to be done to you. You are saying my society has a vendetta against the developers but i dont see why u came to that conclusion, maybe you can get more specific regarding that remark, and the one that we resort to lies...give one example of some1 from illuminati that lied to you or is lying to you. As for the ignore button i agree with you, its obvious we have a lot of underaged and very sensitive people and it will bring confort to some...

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#13 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:19 pm

Most of you know i am a neutral player. Right now most are pointing a finger at Leo, BUT we all saw the hof board a few days ago with a team name calling my community spineless worms, which means you also calling me a spineless worm. Did i offend someone. No i dont think so, so you see there are two sides to all of this.
Lets stop pointing fingers at each other. This game is supposed to be about fun, but right now that is not the case.
Do we really want to kill this game, surely not, but this way we are heading in that direction.

Come on guys, enough.......................... :mrgreen:

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#14 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:37 pm


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Re: Negative vibes

Post#15 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:16 pm

Well Vumba i hope too this has an end becouse is pointless also the hunt of newcommers that makes all leave instead of see how much potential this game has and this is the reason we are only few online all the time...i say this to all involved lets try to grow this game not to ruin it ....becouse some of us invested lot of time and money and is pointless to lose it .....

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Re: Negative vibes

Post#16 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:20 pm

I hope that the fight is over now... ( I closed this topic now )
And from now we just do normal against each other

 ! Message from: Tedjuh
It is now no longer allowed to perform this type of discussion in Local and Help chat in Babylon
(I also deleted some posts from this topic )

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