
Road To ATH

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#26 » Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:18 pm

I decide to make medium run with 203 finder, first 200-300 bombs was dropped in red pvp behind ship, than i decide to drop some in travel from Zion to Traveler and than from traveler to Wailers. In Wailers i got still 200-300 bombs left so i drop them near the 'City'.


Woosh PRD 203 - 53.07
1134 Bombs L - 1077.30
Total Cost: 1130.37

Titanium: 303.15
Iron: 268.72
Copper: 397.80
Nitrate: 77.70
Gold: 30.50
Lead: 3.95
Chromium: 55.53
Oil: 29.62
Uranium: 3680

Total Return: 1203.77

Copper Ore - 113.70
Copper Ore - 40.10
Iron Ore - 28.00


Skills Gained:
Sanity - 5
Prospecting - 37
Extraction - 14

Mining Balance:
Total Balance: +346.17

Interesting thing two globals in a row i get exactly in same place as 2 or 3 runs ago and all globals was catch in first 300 bombs ... :-)

PS. I checekd and in run #16 i got 2 globs in a row in this place, maybe it was a coincidence or maybe not ... :-)

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#27 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:08 am

In search of Coal and Sulfur i decide to bombard the bottom right corner.

Woosh PRD 201 - 37.95
1000 Bombs S - 500.00
Total Cost: 537.95

Titanium: 48.30
Iron: 93.04
Copper: 88.00
Nitrate: 72.81
Oil: 17.18
Uranium: 12.00
Coal: 76.12
Sulfur: 66.22
Lead: 32.30

Total Return: 505.97


Skills Gained:

Sanity - 1
Prospecting - 41
Extraction - 20

Mining Balance: -31.98
Total Balance: +314.19

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#28 » Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:50 pm

After made several bombs I decided to look for some Chromium near Outlaw PvP, but not very successful search I decided to look for some Coal between Travelers and Babylon.

Woosh PRD 203 - 33.57
730 Bombs L- 693.50
Total Cost: 727.07

Titanium: 247.35
Iron: 96.96
Copper: 105.80
Nitrate: 89.82
Chromium: 31.68
Uranium: 13.10
Coal: 158.48
Gold: 25.50

Total Return: 768.69

Titanium Ore - 77.10

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 1
Prospecting - 37
Extraction - 14

Mining Balance:
Total Balance: +355.81

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#29 » Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:00 pm

This time i was mining almost everywhere, so ...


Woosh PRD 203 - 118.93
2564 Bombs L- 2435.80
Total Cost: 2554.73

Titanium: 373.35
Iron: 776.32
Copper: 535.60
Nitrate: 290.94
Chromium: 116.73
Uranium: 22.70
Coal: 220.32
Gold: 203.00
Oil: 132.92
Sulfur: 15.54
Zinc: 27.72
Lead: 8.05

Total Return: 2723.19

Copper Ore - 44.00
Iron Ore - 35.76
Iron Ore - 53.76
Iron Ore - 60.96
Gold Ore - 50.00
Nitrate Ore - 68.46

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 10
Prospecting - 107
Extraction - 45

Mining Balance: +168.46
Total Balance: +524.27

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#30 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:31 pm


Woosh PRD 201 - 37.50
1000 Bombs S- 500.00
Total Cost: 537.50

Titanium: 69.75
Iron: 206.16
Copper: 101.60
Aluminium: 9.13
Chromium: 31.05
Uranium: 14.30
Coal: 14.40
Gold: 10.50
Oil: 71.84
Silver: 2.25

Total Return: 529.98


Skills Gained:
Sanity - 4
Prospecting - 41
Extraction - 15

Mining Balance:
Total Balance: +516.75

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#31 » Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:05 am

After a little break from mining I'm back :-)


Woosh PRD 203 - 83.23
1790 Bombs L- 1700.50
Total Cost: 1783.73

Titanium: 411.15
Iron: 396.32
Copper: 83.30
Aluminium: 62.59
Chromium: 80.19
Uranium: 151.40
Coal: 161.20
Gold: 237.00
Oil: 22.70
Lead: 43.05
Nitrate: 90.93

Total Return: 1739.83

Uranium - 54.00

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 5
Prospecting - 65
Extraction - 14

Mining Balance: -43.90
Total Balance: +472.85

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#32 » Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:09 am


Woosh PRD 201 - 37.88
1000 Bombs S- 500
Total Cost: 537.88

Titanium: 200.25
Iron: 158.00
Copper: 38.80
Chromium: 32.76
Uranium: 8.10
Gold: 31.50
Oil: 10.88
Lead: 13.30
Nitrate: 102.87

Total Return: 596.46

Nitrate - 48.21
Titanium - 34.95

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 3
Prospecting - 33
Extraction - 6

Mining Balance: +58.58
Total Balance: +531.43

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#33 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:34 am

Was looking for some Titanium near the Wailers.


Woosh PRD 203 - 29.61
648 Bombs L- 615.60
Total Cost: 645.21

Titanium: 250.65
Iron: 116.48
Copper: 20.40
Chromium: 107.91
Uranium: 11.10
Gold: 25.00
Aluminium: 14.85
Nitrate: 31.08

Total Return: 577.47 + 22.80 (24 bombs left)


Skills Gained:
Sanity - 1
Prospecting - 26
Extraction - 7

Mining Balance: -44.94
Total Balance: +463.69

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#34 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:26 am

Another run but looks like we keep going without bigger luck :(, this time was mining almost everywhere, but most bombs was dropped near red pvp.


Woosh PRD 203 - 107.18
2204 Bombs L - 2093.80
Total Cost: 2200.98

Titanium: 440.85
Iron: 679.84
Copper: 254.90
Chromium: 61.91
Uranium: 59.60
Gold: 55.00
Aluminium: 71.39
Nitrate: 89.88
Oil: 63.96
Coal: 86.40
Sulfur 168.06
Lead: 100.85

Total Return: 2132.65


Skills Gained:
Sanity - 46
Prospecting - 107
Extraction - 52

Mining Balance: -68.33
Total Balance: +395.36

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#35 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:21 pm

A small run near and inside outlaw :)

Woosh PRD 201 - 37.50
1000 Bombs S - 500.00
Total Cost: 537.50

Titanium: 189.60
Iron: 151.60
Copper: 194.80
Chromium: 65.25
Uranium: 42.00
Gold: 59.00
Nitrate: 31.08

Total Return:733.33


Copper Ore - 162.90
Chromium Ore - 36.54
Unknown Ore - 30.40

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 4
Prospecting - 36
Extraction - 10

Mining Balance: +195.83
Total Balance: +591.19

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#36 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:27 am

Experimental run between Wailers and Zion, another one will be on Friday or Saturday with same amount L bombs or maybe more :)


Woosh PRD 203 - 138.88
3014 Bombs L - 2863.30
Total Cost: 3002.18

Titanium: 984.90
Iron: 975.92
Copper: 275.00
Chromium: 97.56
Uranium: 84.30
Gold: 158.00
Nitrate: 135.15
Oil: 113.10
Silver: 26.00
Lead: 139.35
Salt: 19.00

Total Return: 3008.28


Iron Ore - 41.84
Chromium Ore - 40.14
Lead Ore - 28.10

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 12
Prospecting - 97
Extraction - 34

Mining Balance:+6.10
Total Balance: +597.29

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#37 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:11 pm

As I said, another run with L bombs. I think another one will come in a few days, this time I will use the finder 103

Woosh PRD 203 - 155.70
3364 Bombs L - 3195.79
Total Cost: 3351.49

Titanium: 740.55
Iron: 942.32
Copper: 461.90
Chromium: 120.69
Uranium: 127.30
Gold: 79.50
Nitrate: 239.42
Oil: 78.32
Sulfur: 62.68
Lead: 144.85
Aluminium: 32.01
Coal: 283.40
Total Return: 3312.95


Iron Ore - 45.68
Titanium Ore - 30.00
Iron Ore - 31.28
Unknown Ore - 31.50

Skills Gained:
Sanity - 12
Prospecting - 133
Extraction - 51

Mining Balance:-38.54
Total Balance: +558.75

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Re: Road To ATH

Post#38 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:40 am

I was not so active in recent times, and also the potential runes that I was doing were after 1-2k bombs, which I simply did not write about in this topic. It was exactly the same this time, it was a mining event, and I just had a few bombs, so I decided to sign up and release them, with some luck I was hoping to get some rewards that are not really adequate for the money we're wasting taking part in this event.
The beginning was not a special one, I get one globale, which placed me in the 8th place, so I decided to leave the game and finish the bombs on the second day in the morning.
In fact, the first ATH hit at the end of run, which led me to 4th place ... I decided to make more bombs and try to attack the awarded place.
On the next run fell two more globals one around 65, and another 210, which allowed me to taking third place at that moment.
I decided to 'strike while the iron is hot' and again I made bombs for the next run, which turned out to be a hit because at the very beginning came next ATH, which honestly slightly shocked me, but also allowed me to get the first place in the event. I keep on and after a while another small global came in, until the end of the event it was barely 1,5-2h. Of course, I keep mining, but the end was not so happy for me because I could not hit anything more and the person from the second position hit three globals, which eventually allowed her to overtake me.
After all, I am happy with such a turn of events, I have mined for a long time to hit the first ATH in mining and in the meantime, one day I manage to get TWO :)

PS. I drop like 7k bombs L this time.

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